Lyallpur Khalsa College, Kapurthala

In Collaboration with

Scrollwell and Progressive Computer Professional Association (PCPA)

Is Organizing

International Conference on

Frontiers in Education, Management and

Information Technology


April 06, 2024

9:00 AM - 4:00 PM (IST)


About FEMIT 2024

International Conference on Frontiers in Education, Management and Information Technology (FEMIT 2024), is a multidisciplinary conference going to be held on April 6th, 2024. FEMIT-2024 is focusing to address issues and developments in the multiple domains/programmes of Education, Management and Information Technology. The conference aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners in the world working in different domains. This conference seeks to bring together researchers to present papers and generate discussions in recent trends.The conference will feature a range of presentations on latest research activities as well as stimulating talks and keynote addresses. We are confident that this conference will provide a good opportunity for researchers to share their ideas and allow future collaboration possibility. Accepted Research papers (accepted by our institution) will be published in conference proceedings having ISBN Number.

  • Conference Updates
Conference Updates
Paper submission deadline: March 23rd, 2024.